Vista Freemasons Making good men better since time immemorial Mon, 08 May 2023 22:22:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Vista Freemasons 32 32 214920211 The Old Charges and Ancient Landmarks Thu, 01 Jun 2023 06:00:00 +0000 Throughout Masonic ritual and contemporary writings, we see references to the “Old Charges” and the “Ancient Landmarks.”  As Masons, we are responsible for preserving the knowledge of these foundational aspects of our Craft and incorporating them into our modern practice. Yet within our ritual, we don’t get a full description of what those are.  And …

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Throughout Masonic ritual and contemporary writings, we see references to the “Old Charges” and the “Ancient Landmarks.”  As Masons, we are responsible for preserving the knowledge of these foundational aspects of our Craft and incorporating them into our modern practice. Yet within our ritual, we don’t get a full description of what those are.  And what’s more, simply referring to them as “Old Charges” and “Ancient Landmarks” sounds colloquial, and does little to encourage further research on the part of individual candidates. Let’s look further into what these are.   

The Old Charges and Masonic manuscripts are a collection of historical documents and texts that provide insights into the origins and evolution of Freemasonry. While the specific contents of these manuscripts may vary, the following is a list of some of the most important and well-known Old Charges and Masonic manuscripts (dates are ranges of purported creation):

  1. The Regius Manuscript (1390-1425) – Also known as the Halliwell Manuscript, this is considered to be the oldest surviving Masonic document.
  1. The Cooke Manuscript (1410-1450) – This manuscript is also known as the Lansdowne Manuscript and contains a series of charges, or instructions, for stonemasons.
  1. The Grand Lodge No. 1 Manuscript (1583) – This manuscript provides a detailed account of the “charges and regulations” of Freemasonry, including the duties and obligations of Masonic officers and the rules for conducting meetings and ceremonies.
  1. The Edinburgh Register House Manuscript (1696) – This manuscript contains a set of regulations for the governance of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, and is considered to be one of the most important Masonic documents in Scotland.
  1. The Trinity College Dublin Manuscript (1711) – This manuscript contains a set of “General Regulations” for the governance of Freemasonry, and is considered to be one of the earliest examples of such regulations.
  1. The Anderson’s Constitutions (1723)* – This text, written by James Anderson, contains a set of rules and regulations for the governance of the Grand Lodge of England, and is considered to be one of the most important documents in Masonic history.

* This is one of the most important pieces to make yourself familiar with concerning the history of Modern Freemasonry.  More will be described below.  

  1. The Prestonian Lectures (1774-1775) – These lectures, given by William Preston, were intended to provide Masons with a deeper understanding of the symbolism and history of the craft.

These manuscripts and documents provide a valuable historical context for the development and evolution of Freemasonry and are still studied and referenced by Masons today.  Perhaps the best place to start is the Anderson Constitution.  This was a project commissioned by the Grand Lodge of England (the Moderns) in the early 18th century, and the purpose of this project was to compile and synthesize all available manuscripts that existed before it.  It is the historical blueprint basis by which many Grand Lodges function today.  

These ancient documents and principles form the foundation of modern Freemasonry, providing a rich historical context and a set of guiding principles for Masonic practice.

The Landmarks, on the other hand, are a set of principles and traditions that are considered to be unchangeable and essential to the practice of Freemasonry. The exact number and definition of the Landmarks may vary slightly among different Masonic jurisdictions, but they generally include such things as the belief in a Supreme Being, the use of certain Masonic symbols and rituals, and the importance of brotherhood and charity.

The Landmarks were first compiled by Albert G. Mackey, an American Masonic scholar, in the mid-19th century, and have since been adopted by many Grand Lodges as an essential part of Masonic law and practice. In addition to the Landmarks, there are also “Secondary Landmarks” and “Masonic Customs and Usages,” which are considered to be of lesser importance but still integral to the practice of Freemasonry.

One of the key principles of the Old Charges and Landmarks is the importance of preserving and passing on the traditions and teachings of the craft. This is accomplished through the use of ritual, symbolism, and the passing down of knowledge from master to apprentice. By adhering to these ancient principles and traditions, Masons are able to maintain a sense of continuity and connection to their rich history and heritage.

The Old Charges and Landmarks are a cornerstone of Freemasonry, providing a historical context and guiding principles for Masonic practice. By adhering to these ancient traditions and teachings, Masons are able to maintain a sense of continuity and connection to their rich history and heritage and ensure that the principles of brotherhood, charity, and moral responsibility continue to be upheld for generations to come.

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A Brief Account of Tracing Boards Mon, 08 May 2023 21:06:35 +0000 Tracing boards are commonly used as imagery and decorations in a Lodge room and are often some of the first images that come up from doing a simple Google search into Masonic symbolism and esoterism. Their history purpose was much more encompassing and played a significant role in the way that Brother Masons met and …

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Tracing boards are commonly used as imagery and decorations in a Lodge room and are often some of the first images that come up from doing a simple Google search into Masonic symbolism and esoterism. Their history purpose was much more encompassing and played a significant role in the way that Brother Masons met and discussed the symbols of our Craft.

Tracing boards, also historically used and known as floor cloths, are hand-painted or printed designs used in Masonic lodges to teach the principles and lessons of the craft. The earliest tracing boards were simple designs drawn on the ground with chalk or charcoal. Over time, these designs became more elaborate, with intricate symbols and images representing the various aspects of Masonic teachings.

Tracing boards were used in the early days of Freemasonry as a way to educate new members and reinforce the lessons of the craft. They were often displayed on the floor of the lodge during meetings, and members would stand around them and discuss their meaning and significance.

Today, tracing boards are still used in many Masonic lodges around the world, though they are typically displayed on the walls rather than on the floor. They serve as a visual reminder of the lessons and teachings of Freemasonry and are an important part of our tradition and history.

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Trestleboard – February 2022 Tue, 25 Jan 2022 05:25:53 +0000 The post Trestleboard – February 2022 appeared first on Vista Freemasons.


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Installation of Officers for 2022 Mon, 13 Dec 2021 23:27:53 +0000 Saturday, December 11th, 2021, Vista Lodge #687 installed its officers for the 2022 year. Congratulations to all the newly installed officers, and a big thanks to all the Brethren of our Lodge! Our Lodge is a cherished place because of all of you! We had Knights from San Diego Commandery #25 present the flag of …

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Saturday, December 11th, 2021, Vista Lodge #687 installed its officers for the 2022 year. Congratulations to all the newly installed officers, and a big thanks to all the Brethren of our Lodge! Our Lodge is a cherished place because of all of you!

We had Knights from San Diego Commandery #25 present the flag of our country, and we thank them for imbuing the presentation of the flag with the elegance and dignity it deserves.

We’d like to give a special thanks to our Installation Officer and Inspector, Worshipful Mark Nielsen, who did an excellent job. And we’d also like to especially call out the wonderful work of our installing Master of Ceremonies, Vista Lodge’s very own Worshipful Thomas Colgan! Both Worshipful Mark Nielsen and Worshipful Thomas Colgan are highly respected local leaders in Freemasonry, and as such, it was an incredible honor to have them officiate the day’s ceremonies.

This next year is going to be one of excitement, and a chance to rebuild and re-establish our footing in the traditions we hold dear. Be ready for new and reinvigorated efforts in education, ritual excellence, and social events. But most importantly, we are excited about having another year in service of our amazing fraternity with all of you: our Brothers!

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UPDATED 12/9 – Installation Season is Here! Fri, 10 Dec 2021 02:45:55 +0000 Installation season of 2021 – 2022 is upon us. We at Vista Lodge #687 want to congratulate all of the officers-elect and wish you the best of success in the upcoming year. See below for the upcoming schedule of Lodge installations for San Diego, Orange, and Imperial counties in southern California. Be sure to check …

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Installation season of 2021 – 2022 is upon us. We at Vista Lodge #687 want to congratulate all of the officers-elect and wish you the best of success in the upcoming year.

See below for the upcoming schedule of Lodge installations for San Diego, Orange, and Imperial counties in southern California. Be sure to check with respective Lodges for the most up-to-date information.


Div. IX Blue Lodge Installations – 2021-2022

San Diego, Imperial, and Orange County Lodges

No    Lodge                                      Day                  Date                      Time         Notes

35     San Diego                                Friday              10 December        7:00pm         GM Wilkins as I.O.

207   Anaheim                                 Wednesday    08 December        6:00pm

241   Tustin                                      TBA                 TBA                       TBA

283   South West                             Saturday         18 December        4:00pm

293   Orange Grove                         Saturday         11 December        4:00pm

296   Silver Gate – Three Stars        Sunday            16 January            4:00pm

317   Fallbrook                                Saturday         29 January            TBA

325   Consuelo                                Saturday         08 January            2:00pm

351   Garden Grove                         TBA                 TBA                       TBA

357   Solomon’s Staircase               Saturday         15 January            5:00pm

380   Huntington Beach                  Saturday         08 January            1:30pm         Appetizers @ 12noon

381   Oceanside – San Dieguito       Sunday            05 December        4:00pm         Dual – DGM as I.O.

390   Imperial Valley                        TBA                 TBA                       TBA

407   La Mesa                                  Saturday         04 December        12:00noon         Closed installation

441   Coronado                               Saturday         11 December        4:00pm

442   Amity                                      Saturday         08 January            TBA              @ ESD 561

469   Yorba Linda                             Thursday         13 January            7:00pm

518   La Jolla                                    Saturday         15 January            10:00am

561   East San Diego                        Saturday         22 January            4:00pm         DGM Brill as I.O.

574   S. W. Hackett                          Saturday         11 December        11:00am         PGM Heisner as I.O.

576   Heartland                               Saturday         08 January            2:00pm

580   Santa Maria                            Saturday         11 December        11:00am

604   Newport Mesa                        Saturday         11 December        1:00pm

620   Point Loma                              Saturday         29 January            12:00noon

626   Chula Vista                              Saturday         04 December        4:00pm

632   Unity                                       TBA                 January                 TBA

657   John D. Spreckels                    Saturday         08 January            4:00pm

671   Irvine Valley                            Saturday         11 December        11:00am

672   Saddleback Laguna                 Saturday         15 January            11:00am

687   Vista                                        Saturday         11 December        2:00pm

736   Lemon Grove                          Saturday         11 December        2:00pm

747   Claude H. Morrison                Saturday         13 November        4:00pm

837   Joseph L. Shell Daylight          Tuesday          25 January            10:00am

845   Black Mountain                      Saturday         04 December        1:00pm         @ ESD 561

846   Lux                                          Monday          10 January            6:30pm

855   Veritas                                    Thursday         13 January            6:30pm

864   Novus Veteris*                       Sunday            05 December        4:00pm         Dual – DGM as I.O.

874   MW Manuel Luis Quezon       Saturday         15 January            TBA         Tentative

878   The 33                                     Saturday         08 January            5:00pm         Grand Californian

UD    Ye Old Cup and Ball                TBA                 TBA                       TBA

747      Claude H. Morrison    Saturday         13 November  4:00pm

407   La Mesa                                  Saturday         04 December        12:00noon         Closed installation

845   Black Mountain                      Saturday         04 December        1:00pm         @ ESD 561

626   Chula Vista                              Saturday         04 December        4:00pm

381   Oceanside – San Dieguito       Sunday            05 December        4:00pm         Dual – DGM as I.O.

864   Novus Veteris*                       Sunday            05 December        4:00pm         Dual – DGM as I.O.

207   Anaheim                                 Wednesday    08 December        6:00pm

35     San Diego                                Friday              10 December        7:00pm         GM Wilkins as I.O.

574   S. W. Hackett                          Saturday         11 December        11:00am         PGM Heisner as I.O.

580   Santa Maria                            Saturday         11 December        11:00am

671   Irvine Valley                            Saturday         11 December        11:00am

604   Newport Mesa                        Saturday         11 December        1:00pm

687   Vista                                        Saturday         11 December        2:00pm

736   Lemon Grove                          Saturday         11 December        2:00pm

441   Coronado                               Saturday         11 December        4:00pm

293   Orange Grove                         Saturday         11 December        4:00pm

283   South West                             Saturday         18 December        4:00pm

380   Huntington Beach                  Saturday         08 January            1:30pm         Appetizers @ 12noon

325   Consuelo                                Saturday         08 January            2:00pm

576   Heartland                               Saturday         08 January            2:00pm

657   John D. Spreckels                    Saturday         08 January            4:00pm

878   The 33                                     Saturday         08 January            5:00pm         Grand Californian

442   Amity                                      Saturday         08 January            TBA              @ ESD 561

846   Lux                                          Monday          10 January            6:30pm

855   Veritas                                    Thursday         13 January            6:30pm

469   Yorba Linda                             Thursday         13 January            7:00pm

518   La Jolla                                    Saturday         15 January            10:00am

672   Saddleback Laguna                 Saturday         15 January            11:00am

357   Solomon’s Staircase               Saturday         15 January            5:00pm

874   MW Manuel Luis Quezon       Saturday         15 January            TBA         Tentative

296   Silver Gate – Three Stars        Sunday            16 January            4:00pm

561   East San Diego                        Saturday         22 January            4:00pm         DGM Brill as I.O.

837   Joseph L. Shell Daylight          Tuesday          25 January            10:00am

317   Fallbrook                                Saturday         29 January            TBA

620   Point Loma                              Saturday         29 January            12:00noon

632   Unity                                       TBA                 January                 TBA

UD    Ye Old Cup and Ball                TBA                 TBA                       TBA

241   Tustin                                      TBA                 TBA                       TBA

351   Garden Grove                         TBA                 TBA                       TBA

390   Imperial Valley                        TBA                 TBA                       TBA

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We Passed a New Fellow Craft! Fri, 19 Nov 2021 17:36:52 +0000 On Wednesday, November 17th, something exciting happened for Vista Lodge #687.  We passed our Brother Jon Henson to the degree of Fellow Craft, and it was a great evening all around.  We are so proud of our candidate, and also of all of our Brother’s who performed the degree.  It was an excellent degree that …

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On Wednesday, November 17th, something exciting happened for Vista Lodge #687.  We passed our Brother Jon Henson to the degree of Fellow Craft, and it was a great evening all around.  We are so proud of our candidate, and also of all of our Brother’s who performed the degree.  It was an excellent degree that really impressed upon the candidate the solemnity of our craft and pride in our traditions.  The second degree is a treasured favorite among many in the fraternity, and for good reason. 

We put a lot of time and practice into the ceremonies of the degree, and had a lot of fun along the way.  Even long-tenured Masons can pick up new themes and information every time they see a degree, and that’s one of the most amazing things about our Fraternity – the learning never ends!

At Vista Lodge #687 we have our own set of Lodge traditions, as I’m sure many Lodges do, and one of them is to celebrate the degree with the candidate.  Our celebrations are usually some light refreshments after a degree, enjoying each other’s company, and hearing our Past Masters toast words of wisdom to the candidate.  It was a great evening, and a great time was had by all! 

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Congratulations to Our Newly Passed Fellow Craft! Tue, 02 Nov 2021 03:40:06 +0000 Congratulations to Brother Abi Clemente (pictured on the right) on being passed to the degree of Fellow Craft!   Our fantastic degree team did a wonderful job this evening and we had a great turn out with visiting Brothers attending from other Lodges in the district.  The support was amazing and we truly appreciate the support …

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Congratulations to Brother Abi Clemente (pictured on the right) on being passed to the degree of Fellow Craft!  

Our fantastic degree team did a wonderful job this evening and we had a great turn out with visiting Brothers attending from other Lodges in the district.  The support was amazing and we truly appreciate the support given to our Lodge and to our newly passed Fellow Craft.  

Pictured to the left are the attendees from the evening just after the completion of the second degree, with additional photos from the evening below. 

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The 172nd Annual Communication 2021 Sun, 24 Oct 2021 18:27:51 +0000 Masons from all over the state of California convened at the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of California in San Francisco in October 2021. The Annual Communication is sort of like an annual convention where the Grand Lodge Officers and delegates from Masonic Lodges throughout the State gather to discuss a variety of topics, including Masonic …

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Masons from all over the state of California convened at the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of California in San Francisco in October 2021. The Annual Communication is sort of like an annual convention where the Grand Lodge Officers and delegates from Masonic Lodges throughout the State gather to discuss a variety of topics, including Masonic bylaws, Lodge operations, and so forth.

There were a number of legislative items up for vote this year that will have a profound impact on the choices Lodges have in regards to how they conduct business. Please contact your core Lodge Officers for more information.

In the mean time, check out some of the images below!

The stained glass in the Grand Lodge of California contains many Masonic symbols that are essential to the Craft.

Brothers and Fellows of Vista Lodge No. 687 getting together for a quick pic during the ceremonies of the Annual Communication 2021.

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Casino Night at Vista Lodge! Sun, 24 Oct 2021 18:05:29 +0000 The Casino Night at Vista Lodge on October 23rd, 2021 was a success!  Brethren and their families enjoyed fellowship, laughter, and a few card games.  While there was no gambling, everyone got to play card games with professional dealers manning the tables and it was a great experience.  Some guests even came in their favorite …

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The Casino Night at Vista Lodge on October 23rd, 2021 was a success!  Brethren and their families enjoyed fellowship, laughter, and a few card games.  While there was no gambling, everyone got to play card games with professional dealers manning the tables and it was a great experience.  Some guests even came in their favorite super hero costumes which added to the fun of the evening.  We hope to see everyone at the next Casino night!

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