Saturday, December 11th, 2021, Vista Lodge #687 installed its officers for the 2022 year. Congratulations to all the newly installed officers, and a big thanks to all the Brethren of our Lodge! Our Lodge is a cherished place because of all of you!
We had Knights from San Diego Commandery #25 present the flag of our country, and we thank them for imbuing the presentation of the flag with the elegance and dignity it deserves.
We’d like to give a special thanks to our Installation Officer and Inspector, Worshipful Mark Nielsen, who did an excellent job. And we’d also like to especially call out the wonderful work of our installing Master of Ceremonies, Vista Lodge’s very own Worshipful Thomas Colgan! Both Worshipful Mark Nielsen and Worshipful Thomas Colgan are highly respected local leaders in Freemasonry, and as such, it was an incredible honor to have them officiate the day’s ceremonies.
This next year is going to be one of excitement, and a chance to rebuild and re-establish our footing in the traditions we hold dear. Be ready for new and reinvigorated efforts in education, ritual excellence, and social events. But most importantly, we are excited about having another year in service of our amazing fraternity with all of you: our Brothers!